A Tribute for Margaret Hampton by Karen Wills

In loving memory of my Gran. You were my second mum, I used to follow you and Grampy everywhere like a little shadow. And while those very early memories have started to fade, I will always remember the way I felt when with you -safe,happy, nurtured and ofcourse loved. I cherish my childhood with you. When the day came when we moved apart, you were never far from my thoughts. My dear Gran, you were so strong and caring. Down to earth and determined. You had a great sense of humour and never afraid to 'tell it like it is'. ... Read more about A Tribute for Margaret Hampton by Karen Wills
...Read more about A Tribute for Margaret Hampton by Karen Wills

A Tribute for Joyce Marie Darroch by Leanne Gibson

Words cannot express how much we will all miss Joyce's contagious energy and love of life . Her awesome smile along with her caring spirit to all , she always lit up a room and functions will never be the same again. We are blessed to have had her in our lives and her memory will live on in all our hearts. Our deepest sympathies to John, Vanessa, Adam, Jay, Cameron and their families and loved ones. Mida, Barb, Jim, Leanne, Jacinta, Jaclyn and Jacob.
...Read more about A Tribute for Joyce Marie Darroch by Leanne Gibson