A Tribute for Lance Edward Fisher by Donna Wilson

To our mate, our confidant, We thought this day would never come, because you are larger than life, strong, dependable, and this is how we will remember you lance. you have always been there, for a chat and a beer, a game of skippo or bullshit, with your own system of playing, and you played to win LOL. I keep hearing your voice, those looks you would give us ...one eyebrow raised and if to say " do you think" We all haveNothing but respect for you, so I'll won't say goodbye but see u later.
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A Tribute for Doreen Kay by Annelise Larin

Some of my fondest memories of Nanna are from visiting her house in Gembrook. Going for walks, playing in the garden, eating the famous cheese and onion pie, playing dress up, and learning about lots of different things. Later on when I was older she taught me how to knit and we would talk about her garden in Whittlesea. She even braved being around my horses. I'm grateful for the time we had. Rest in peace Nanna. I love you.
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A Tribute for John Cooper Swanson by Desmond McDonald

I mainly only knew Mr Swanson in the Army. He mentored me through a course, if he hadn't given so much time to me I wouldn't have passed my course and possibly left the Army. He was a great instructor and helped so many . He was a caring, fair, yet hard WO1. To his family, thankyou for sharing your Father's time with others, my sincere condolences to you all. RIP Mr Swanson.
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