A Tribute for Graham Oats by Max and Janet Oats

To our dearly loved son, It breaks our hearts that you have left us so soon. You had a beautiful bubbly personality and were always there for us in your down to earth way. Your love for the outdoors shone through with your fishing and special farm time. We will miss those big bear hugs that only you could give. May God wrap his arms around you and keep you safe until we meet again. Dad and Mum
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A Tribute for Graham Oats by Tracey Pape

To my big brother Graham, You were the most kind, caring, unassuming and good natured person there was. My heart is aching to know that I will no longer get to see that big grin or be embraced by those enormous bear hugs as you walk through the door. You taught me how to play cricket, give a mean horse bite and leave a handprint on an arm or leg that would last for hours. I could never be a girly girl with you around and I wouldn’t change it for the world. You always treated me with gentleness and ... Read more about A Tribute for Graham Oats by Tracey Pape
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A Tribute for Graham Oats by Jason Oats

To my brother Graham Our lives without you will never be the same. We will miss that cheeky grin and your loving nature that you so often showed. Our golf trips won't be the same. You have now left it up to me to try and drive over the dams and the trees that we could never get over. I have lost my partner in crime when it comes to the mischief we get into. It's now up to me to take on all of our kids in the Christmas water fights. The pressure for me to carry the fishing ... Read more about A Tribute for Graham Oats by Jason Oats
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A Tribute for Graham Oats by Darren Oats

To my mate Grumpsky, My heart is broken, has a huge hole in it and I am lost without you around. You inspired a lot of people with your easy going attitude and willingness to help and this is what drew people to you and why they all wanted to be around you. An excellent father and family man, a great sportsman, a person with a wealth of knowledge on all things outdoors but most of all one of the best fishermen that I have ever been around. Our annual ritual of chasing Cod in the wee hours of the ... Read more about A Tribute for Graham Oats by Darren Oats
...Read more about A Tribute for Graham Oats by Darren Oats