Tahn Cameron

Date of birth: 21 January, 1993
Date of passing: 30 January, 2017
Sadly we announce the passing of Tahn Cameron on 30 January, 2017.

Funeral Notice

Funeral Details


The Life of Tahn ‘Bongo’ Cameron will be celebrated and honoured on MONDAY (Feb. 13, 2017) at the Good Shepherd Chapel, St Heliers St, Abbotsford, at 11.00 a.m. Following the celebration, you are invited to join Tahn’s family at the ‘Circle of Trees’ at the Edinburgh Gardens, Alfred Cres, Fitzroy North to share food and stories. Please bring a picnic blanket or chair and a special plate of food to share that reminds you of Tahn.

Friends and loved ones all welcome to celebrate the Life of Tahn Jabhal Ventura Moon Ryan Angel Cameron, the greatest man that ever lived.

Sign the Book for Tahn Cameron

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