Sharon your gentle and kind ways always brought such warmth , love and comfort to the people around you. Thank you for always loving Taj and welcoming him into your home with open arms. He truly cherishes the time he had with you, Lucas, Sarah and Anthony during his kindy and primary years. He has fond memories to carry with him of your nurturing love. He would come home begging me to be more like you, he loved how you spoilt them with home cooked treats after school everyday.
I included the photo of our time we went to a Collingwood game together. You and Lucas loved it and your boys certainly turned it on for you. Taj was a suffering Blues supporter as seen in the photo. It was a joyous day and brings a smile to our face , whenever we talk about how much fun you and Lucas had together.
Your dedication and love for your family was everything to witness. The unconditional love you shared with your family will live in their hearts and souls forever. You will be terribly
missed Sharon and I wish this wasn’t so but know this, you will be remembered with a smile always.
Taj and Lucas will share stories together for years to come, of their time being spoilt in love by you, for that I am I’m sure .
Always here for you Anthony, Sarah and Lucas.
Rest in Peace beautiful soul. Love you dearly.,
Shelley, Steven and Taji xxx