Robert Kilmartin

Robert Kilmartin
Also known as: Bob
Date of birth: 01 March, 1938
Date of passing: 05 January, 2017

Passed away peacefully on 5th January, 2017.
Loved and loving husband of Sandra,
Loved dad of Adam, Victoria and Delilah.

Always remembered and loved, never forgotten.

Robert will be privately cremated this week.

Robert KilmartinRobert KilmartinRobert Kilmartin

Jackie Petts shared

I will miss you for all your work you did for me like snipping my grass.
RIP Mate

Dee Nietz shared

From one Bomber to another,
We are going to miss you Bob travel well on ur new adventure

Sign the Book for Robert Kilmartin

  1. Jackie Petts
  2. Dee Nietz
  1. Sharyn Smith
  2. Daniel Smith
  3. Vicky Kilmartin
  4. Sandra Kilmartin
  5. Adam Kilmartin
  6. Kristine Mitchell
  7. Wayne Zita
  8. Sharon Mitchell
  9. Anthony Ramsay
  10. Stef KIlmartin
  11. Francesca kilmartin
  12. Delilah Livesay
