- Rhonda & Russell Gatty
- Michelle spence
- Debbie & Joe Rosicka
- Mark, Jodie, Matt & Rowie Lincoln
- Robin & Lyn White
- Trevor Blair
- Glenn & Wendy Piccolo
- Barry & Maureen Walker
- Brett & Sheryl Keir
- Kylie Benton
- Kylie and Evan Benton
- Joe Cameron
- Tony Buckland
- Debbie and Vince Clayton
- Des & Tricia Dent
- Kylie Joyce R.I.P xx
- Pauline & Terry Knaggs
- Di Zeinstra
- Laurie Collier
Phil Dent

Date of birth: 24 February, 1960
Date of passing: 17 December, 2018
Date of passing: 17 December, 2018
DENT – Phil
At peace with Dad and Ange.
Always in our hearts and memories with no lip.
Love always – Mum, John, Ashley, Prue and Frazer.