Patricia Christie

Patricia Christie
Date of birth: 17 September, 1932
Date of passing: 21 October, 2023


Patricia Ivy

17/09/1932 – 21/10/2023


The family of Patricia Ivy Christie is saddened to announce her passing

on Saturday October 21st 2023. Aged 91 years.

Passed away peacefully.

The bond between Mother & Son is a special one,

it remains unchanged by time or distance,

it is the purest love.


Loving Wife of Jack (dec).

Doting Mother of Glenn and Wes.

Much loved Mother-in-Law to Tania.

Cherished Grandmother of Brandon, Kaleb, Maddy, Will and Georgia.

 Mum and Dad together again. ❤️

Patricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia ChristiePatricia Christie

Funeral Notice

Funeral Details

The funeral service to celebrate the life of Mrs Patricia Ivy Christie was held in the Mason Park Chapel,

95 Mason Street, Wangaratta on Friday 3rd of November 2023, at 2.00pm.

Burial followed at the Wangaratta Lawn Cemetery.

Service Booklet

Sign the Book for Patricia Christie

  1. Jan Abley
  2. Karen Day
  3. Jenny bell
  4. Joanne Davey
  5. Trevor Blair
  6. Diane Anderson ❤❤
  7. Debbie Delaney ❤️❤️
  8. Nicky Parkinson ❤️
  9. Casey Walsh (DNS)
  10. Gail Murphy ❤️
  11. Colleen O'Brien
  12. Belinda Field
  13. Teena Chambeyron
  14. Dennis & Sue McAuliffe
  15. Roxy Bodsworth and Danny
  16. Wayne &Wendy Lloyd
  17. Charmaine Miller
  18. Elaine Carmody
  19. Keith Martin
  20. Bruce Vance
  21. Kylie Dowell (Anderson)
  22. Ray and Isabel Dunstan

