Our Darling Aunty Margaret
Our world will be a much quieter place without as much colour but you have left us with so many memories we will cherish forever. You are my Mighty Blue Boys companion and in a family of Swans supporters I was thrilled we shared our love of Carlton. Mum came from a big family yet you were the constant in our lives. I knew no other Aunty or Uncle as well as I knew you. There isn’t anyone else I could get away with giving cheek to and that is because you gave it right back.
You supported me so much by allowing me to live at your home for a year before I got married and then conveniently upgrading your furniture and white goods so that your previous ones could find a home at my new place.
Two years ago I became a Grandfather and your interest in Audrey and later Ottilie was never ending. You loved us sending photos to you and you thought they were gorgeous. I bet you said that to all your nieces and nephews about their children but you always had a way of making it sound like those words were just for me.
I wish I could have protected you from this accident and I wish more than ever that I could have got you through that following week so that we could take you home again. It wasn’t meant to be though because you had waited long enough to see Annemarie. It was time to let you go. Now you are reunited with her and Carmel and my Mum and Dad. Your world is now a happy world and that makes it easier to let you go.
We love you Aunty Margaret. Thank you for making this last Christmas special for us. We will save a place for you at next year’s Christmas dinner.
Love Mark, Trish, Jordyn, Nicole, Audrey, Kade, Erin and Ottilie