Hilda Sammon

Date of passing: 05 October, 2017
SAMMON – Hilda Gertrude
7/04/1919 – 05/10/2017
Hilda passed away peacefully at St. Catherine’s Hostel Wangaratta on Thursday October 5, 2017 aged 98 years of age.
Daughter of Ellen Jane and Richard Martin Sammon of Boorhaman (both dec), sister and sister-in -law to Gladys and Frank O’Keefe (both dec), Greta and Charles O’Leary (both dec), Eric (dec) and Maureen, Sheila (dec), Dorothy and Norm Collie (both dec), Carmel and Les Hogan (dec), and their families.
To the Management and staff at St. Catherine’s Wangaratta, we thank you for care and support.
Rest in Peace