Cynthia Bresnehan

Cynthia Bresnehan
Date of birth: 12 June, 1941
Date of passing: 24 July, 2023


Cynthia Betty

Passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family at St John’s Respect on

Monday July 24th 2023. Aged 82 years.

Loving and loved mother of Kathleen, Kevin & Sandra, and Judith.

Cherished grandmother of Oliver, Madeline, Sebastian and Jarrod.

Great grandmother of Iris and Lewis.


Forever loved and missed.

Cynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia BresnehanCynthia Bresnehan

Funeral Notice

Funeral Details

The funeral service to celebrate the life of Ms Cynthia Bresnehan was held on Friday July 28, 2023 in the Mason Park Chapel,

95 Mason Street, Wangaratta at 2pm.

Private cremation followed the service.

The recording of Cynthia’s service can be viewed by clicking here.

Service Booklet

Heather Fitzpatrick shared

Rest in peace dear
Cynthia. I and my
family will always
love you. XXXX
Love Heather.

Sign the Book for Cynthia Bresnehan

  1. Heather Fitzpatrick
  1. Val Comensoli
  2. Meg Paino
  3. Fran Fruzynski
  4. Erin dowdle
  5. Max Batey and Barb Crockett
  6. Lorraine Cameron
  7. Delma and Darrell Clark
  8. Janine Clark
  9. Robbie and Mandy Clark
  10. Carolyn Docking
  11. Cheryl and Kerry Wickham
  12. Julie Griffin
  13. Barry and Don Turner
  14. Margaret Winter & Senior Staff at St Johns
  15. Karen Geach
  16. Andrew Beven and Katherine Millhouse
  17. Jane Schofield
  18. Kathleen Bresnehan

