It’s very natural to feel anxious.
In fact, it’s natural to be unsure whether you feel shocked, sad, relieved, depressed, guilty, fearful, angry – or all of these at once. Coping with these feelings is at the heart of the many ways in which we can truly care for the dead, the dying, and those left behind.
Conventional funeral practices work well for many people but may not provide the scope to be as deeply and personally involved as you need to be. Fortunately, there are many other options available with end of life care and most people simply aren’t aware that ceremonies, budgets, caring for the dead or even ways of transportation are not set in stone.
We believe that providing the opportunity to choose what is right for you, your family, and the people you love is vital. We see from experience that genuine, honest engagement is the best way of honouring the dead and the pain of bereavement. We know that the law supports families who, for instance, want to keep their deceased at home for a period of time – as well as many other traditional practices.
We understand that sometimes the best person to care for the dead are the people who knew them and loved them when they were living. That a dying wish can be a chance to leave a cleaner environment as their legacy. That green funerals do exist. That expensive caskets are not compulsory. That we all have the right to be buried in a coffin, a shroud, a simple pine box or a Hawaiian shirt if that’s what we want.
Everyone mourns differently. At Natural Grace Holistic Funerals Victoria, we are here to help you do just that.