Merl Lumby

Merl Lumby
Date of birth: 28 July, 1929
Date of passing: 02 July, 2019

LUMBY (Keat) – Merlyn Jean (Merl)

Passed away peacefully at home on July 2, 2019 with family by her side.
Dearly loved youngest daughter of the late Walter & Maud Keat (of Gundowring) and much loved sister and sister-in-law of the late Aleck & Valda Keat, Nell & Alex Coulston, Fred & Gwen Keat.
Loving wife of John (dec), treasured mother and mother-in-law of Sharon & Michael and adored Nan of Jordan.
Loved sister-in-law of Heather & Trevor Prentice, Jim & Barbara (dec) Newton.
Sad are the hearts that love you,
Silent are the tears that fall,
Living here without you,
Is the hardest part of all.

Mum, how blessed I was to be given,
a mother as wonderful as you.
Since the day you first held me in your arms,
our special bond just grew.
The joy and laughter that we shared,
The happy times and the sad.
Your love and guidance throughout the years,
Just showed me how much you cared.
You have always been there with me Mum,
And you loved me till the end.
So with all my heart and soul,
I love you Mum, my best friend.

Love Sharon

Darling Nan, I would like to say,
How grateful I’ll always be,
For your love and support throughout the years,
And all that you have done for me.
I’ll hold you close within my heart,
And there you will remain,
To walk beside me throughout my life,
Until we meet again.
“Love you to the moon and back”

Love Jordan

Merl LumbyMerl LumbyMerl Lumby

Funeral Notice

Funeral Details

The Funeral Service for Mrs Merlyn Jean (Merl) Lumby will be held in Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral, corner Ovens and Docker Streets, Wangaratta on Wednesday July 10, 2019 at 1.30pm. Burial will follow at the Wangaratta Lawn Cemetery.

Service Booklet

Sign the Book for Merl Lumby

  1. Liz Blair
  2. Chris Sammon
  3. Graeme and Kathy Gardner
  4. Wendy Grassi (Sessions)
  5. Irene Carmody
  6. Jan Evans
  7. Denise Johnson, Dan Hamilton
  8. Denis & Olivia Keat
  9. Margo Keat
  10. Gloria and Barry ryder and families
  11. Robyn Doig
  12. Debbie Rosicka (Buckland )
  13. Kaye Diffey
  14. Sue Newton
  15. David & Jan Dyer & family
  16. Donna Prentice
  17. Aileen Sanders
  18. Kym & Tricia Hall & family
  19. Cheryl & George Petruk
  20. Nigel and Cindy Ryder
  21. Denise Mollison
  22. Lina Dellicastelli
  23. Rhonda Gatty
  24. Julie Gallo

