Belver Williams-Niblett

Belver Williams-Niblett
Date of birth: 21 May, 1963
Date of passing: 09 July, 2024

Beloved wife, dear sister, reliable aunt and loyal friend.

A true hospitable entertainer and culinary enthusiast. Gone too soon but you remain in our hearts forever.

You had a smile for everyone, you had a heart of gold,

you left the sweetest memories for all of us to hold.

Belver Williams-NiblettBelver Williams-NiblettBelver Williams-Niblett

Funeral Notice

Funeral Details

A Service to Celebrate the Life of Belver Williams-Niblett will be held in the Chapel of Repose at Altona Memorial Park, 2-14 Dohertys Road, Altona North on Saturday July 27, 2024 commencing at 11am.

Followed by a burial in the cemetery grounds.

If you are unable to attend, you may view the service at click on LIVESTREAM and then click on Belver’s photo.

Laurie Chin shared

Condolences to her husband and the Williams family. Beautiful soul taken to rest in peace.

Dalton Grant shared

Belver a true Patriot and the purest heart – always greet with a beautiful warm smiles

Trudi Nugent shared

My deepest condolences to the Williams Family, Shane, thank you for loving her the way you did, thank you for giving her a home away from her home that she loves so deeply..she loves and adores you with everything she had. Belver, your plans for another grand reunion was in the making, but God had a bigger plan and a heavenly reunion for you, your contagious laugh and smile lights up the very room you’re in, you have brought so much love joy and entertainment to the people that surrounded you, you will be sadly missed, you rarely finished your messages to me without giving your forever friend nuff love.!! I will miss your calls and messages of how to keep up with your Australia / down under time.. I hope you’re dancing, singing , cooking and entertaining with the Angels doing what you love to do! Sleep in heavenly peace my forever friend Belver Williams Niblett.🙏🏼💔🥲

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Trudi NugentA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Trudi NugentA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Trudi Nugent

Clinton Laing shared

Belver was one the warmest and most genuine person I ever met. She was an excellent cook and the LIFE of any party.

May her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

Condolences to Shane, her Siblings and other relatives.

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Clinton Laing

Laverne Bailey shared

My dear friend you will be greatly missed,you will always be in my heart. Sleep well.

Marva Harris-Small shared

Belver your sister’s memory will forever live on in our hearts. She touched the lives of so many, and her legacy of love and compassion will continue to inspire us. May you and the rest of the family find strength in the cherished memories you shared and may her spirit guide you through this dark time. Please remember that you are not alone in this journey. Lean on your friends and family for support, and know that I am here for you, ready to listen and offer comfort whenever you need it.

Tamica and Wayne Grant shared

Belver loved deeply and had an unmatched kindness. We experienced her love in gifts of food, birthday, and Christmas presents, and calls to check in. When she invited persons for Christmas dinner, they left her house with Christmas presents. Belver gave freely but it was so hard to find the best gift for her! She never wanted anything. It was wonderful to be loved by her. In her love, you knew she’d show up for you.

Belver filled rooms not only because she made us want to show up for her, but also with her presence. Belver had a huge presence! She was the centre of attention. She was such an entertainer – the most enthusiastic storyteller! She brought scenes to life and took us on journeys through her memories of life in Falmouth
Belver was larger than life, she filled our hearts and our bellies. She took up such a huge space and in leaving that space she has left a large gap in our hearts and lives. She’s irreplaceable and she will be missed.

Wayne and I are saddened by Belver’s passing and our hearts mourn for Shane, Joan, Shaneal, and the rest of her family.

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Tamica and Wayne GrantA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Tamica and Wayne GrantA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Tamica and Wayne Grant

Winsome Burt shared

Scripture – Phillipians 4:8-9
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Hello Everyone, First, I’d like to thank everyone for being here to help Belver’s family and friends celebrate her extraordinary and full life. It is with immense sadness and a broken heart that I am writing my Tribute to my Phenomenal Friend Belver.
Belver and I shared an incredible friendship in Jamaica that made us inseparable until I migrated to Bermuda in 1978. However, over time we lost contact but thanks to our classmates and friends around the globe Belver and I finally reconnected in 2018 via Facebook and WhatsApp and we immediately picked up where we left off, like it was only yesterday. We remised of our times together in Jamaica, shared with each other about our lives in Bermuda and Australia as we got reacquaint once again. Shane can testified to how often Belver and I made time to constantly talked by WhatsApp and our talks were always filled with much love, laughter, great concern for each other and our families and at time we totally forgot that Australia is fifteen(+15) hours ahead of Bermuda.
In 2019 Belver and I started our plans to attend our alma mater high school Cedric Titus Annual Valentine’s Day Gala in February 2020. It was my very first time attending and as I got the opportunity to spend time with Belver travelling from New York to New Jersey, sharing a hotel room, an awesome time together as myself, Kayrine and Jackie having our in room makeover services and Diane who was Belver’s personal hair dresser, so that we could and did stepped out in Style. At the Gala we had the best night seeing all our classmates after these many years, meeting new friends as we laugh and dance the night away.
The icing on the cake was our impromptu road trip to Atlantic City with our careful driver Avril, her FUN passengers Rosalie, Charmaine, Belver and I. The video of us singing along to Beres Hammond is just so very special, one we watched over and over and over and now it means the world to us. Our time in Atlantic City was filled with us trying our luck with the slots machines, sharing a delicious lunch as we laughed and talked about the good old days in Jamaica and just life itself and of course a little shopping…Us Ladies Love to Shop!!!
To be Continue…

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Winsome BurtA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Winsome BurtA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Winsome Burt

Winsome Burt shared

It was with such sadness that we said our goodbyes but we promised to see each other again soon and that was one of the many things we always talked about, when are are going to visit each other in Bermuda and Australia. Earlier this year I promised Belver that I will visit with her and Shane in 2026 for my pre-retirement birthday. This would have been my 2nd trip to Australia and spending time with Belver and Shane this time was the highlight of my visit as we decided on the best time for me to visit definitely not in the Winter (too cold) and not in the Summer (too hot) so we can enjoy ourselves doing all the many things that Australia has to offer. Regretfully that was not in God’s Perfect Will for us.
Belver and I last WhatsApp text messages and phone call was on July 4th four(4) days before her passing. My Phenomenal Friend Belver who definitely – Gone Too Soon I am heart broken and I will cherish our last WhatsApp text messages and telephone call Forever. I am so very thankful to God for allowing me the esteemed privilege to pray with Belver and encouraged her to rest so she can be strong enough for her upcoming surgery. But that was NOT to be. Pauline a dear friend of Belver and I were making plans for my to visit to Washington, DC the 1st week of December 2024 during Shane and Belver’s exciting USA & Jamaica visits while visiting with families and friends across the USA on their way home to Jamaica, Land We Love. We made plans to visit so many places as we try to make it as memorable as possible.
A couple of weeks earlier when I spoke with Belver I told her that time is drawing close and for her to start telling her friends about her visit to Washington, DC, so that Pauline and I would have an idea how many guests to book for dinner on Saturday, December 7th, 2024. We were also planning to surprise Belver at dinner for her Belated 61st birthday. But God called Belver home to Glory.
To Shane, the Love of Belver’s Life, I know we spoke by telephone many times and I was so looking forward to finally meeingt you in person. Please know that I hope to meet you one day, only God knows where and when, but do know that I will be visiting Australia once again to visit Belver’s Grave with you as we remember her for Life!
Thank you Belver for being my Phenomenal and Faithful Friend over these many years.
Rest In Peace!
Love You!
Your Dearest Friend Winsome

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Winsome Burt

Samathara Briscoe shared

Today we mourn and celebrate a truly remarkable soul, Belver, who was the heart and spirit of our Jamaican community in Australia. To each of us, Belver was more than just a friend; she was the unofficial Jamaican ambassador, a mother figure, and a beacon of warmth and hospitality that knew no bounds.

Every Jamaican in Australia knew they had a home away from home at Belver’s. Her door was always open, her kitchen always busy, and her laughter a constant melody that made every gathering unforgettable. She brought us together, from near and far, creating a family united not by blood but by shared heritage and love.

I remember the joy of seeing Belver at my send-off party when I was migrating from Australia. Her presence was a comforting reminder of the community I was leaving behind. Later, during her stopover in New York, we had an unforgettable night exploring the manhattan, capturing moments that will be cherished forever.

One of my best memories with Belver was when I made jerk lamb, and in her true no-nonsense style, she playfully chided me with, “Whey yuh a go wid dat?” Her straightforward, loving nature always shone through, making each moment with her both grounding and uplifting.

Belver was not just loving and kind; she was a pillar of strength and a source of wise counsel. Today, as we reflect on her life and legacy, let us carry forward her spirit of unity and warmth. Let’s honor her memory by living as she did—embracing everyone with open arms and a generous heart.

Belver, you may have left this world, but your spirit lives on in all of us. We thank you for the memories, the lessons, and the love. Rest well, dear friend, until we meet again.

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Samathara Briscoe

Marsha-Ann Thompson shared

My dearest Belver
You were such a wonderful person and brightest light in my life. Your warmth and kindness always made me feel like a part of the family. We shared so many fond memories as a group or just you and I. I loved our chats and laughter. I will miss your dearly and love you forever. Always and forever you’ll be in my heart. I love you ❤️❤️

A Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Marsha-Ann ThompsonA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Marsha-Ann ThompsonA Tribute for Belver Williams-Niblett by Marsha-Ann Thompson


Heaven welcomes home an Angel. Rest In Peace Belver🙏

Sign the Book for Belver Williams-Niblett

  1. Laurie Chin
  2. Dalton Grant
  3. Trudi Nugent
  4. Clinton Laing
  5. Laverne Bailey
  6. Marva Harris-Small
  7. Tamica and Wayne Grant
  8. Winsome Burt
  9. Winsome Burt
  10. Samathara Briscoe
  11. Marsha-Ann Thompson
  1. Jacqui Grant
  2. Ionie Jackson
  3. Stephanie Williams
  4. Peter O’Donnell
  5. Chiwale DaSilva
  6. Rohan Francis
  7. Laurie Chin
  8. Gail ford
  9. Shaquille Hibbert
  10. Zare Demus
  11. Calais Morrison
  12. Janet Niblett Foster
  13. Kamala Watt
  14. Pamella Jackson
  15. Stephaney Williams-Jarrett
  16. Occero Fuller
  17. Keera Green
  18. Lerma Blore
  19. Juliet Dowe
  20. Mark Riley
  21. Dalton Grant
  22. Sandra Pollard
  23. Kimalee Reid
  24. Cherine Spence
  25. Dianne Huie
  26. Chris & Audrey Earle
  27. Courtney Miller
  28. Tasha-Kay Walker-Palmer
  29. Annette Thomas
  30. Juliet Evans Nembhatd
  31. Bridget Steele
  32. Beverly Thompson
  33. Sarah Marshall Niles
  34. Eugenie Fairweather Cousins
  35. Viltress Hyatt-Morris
  36. Marcia Moorhouse
  37. Florence Logan
  38. Clovis Bennett Brown
  39. Clovia Brown
  40. Juliet E Gomez
  41. Seke Baugh
  42. Melissa Mggann Denton
  43. Trudi Nugent
  44. Ann Marie Grant
  45. Charmaine Williams
  46. Ann-Marie Vanzie-Brooks
  47. Donat Reeves
  48. Garvey stephens
  49. Shirnett Johnson
  50. Pinkie
  51. Errol Pryce
  52. Sydna Rodney
  53. Yvonne Gayle-Madden
  54. Brigette Evans Stewart
  55. Asquith Stewart
  56. C. Alexander Forrest
  57. Joe Khalil
  58. Arnet McAuliffe
  59. Val Razmovska
  60. Breanna Razmovska
  61. Emily Stojanovska
  62. Cassman Williams
  63. Lia
  64. Dahlia Gordon
  65. Lloyd Thompson
  66. Roy Scarlett (David)
  67. Marcia Thompson (Ruthie)
  68. Totlyn Brown Brady
  69. Jeanette Melrose Moorhouse-Lindo
  70. Jack Moorhouse
  71. Malgaritta Hines
  72. Evlin White-Watt
  73. Shawn Doctor
  74. Laurel Jackson
  75. Marva Harris-Small
  76. Stick Mareebo
  77. Caryn Rae Adams
  78. Barbara Hudson
  79. Rosemarie & Desai Franklyn
  80. Julis Cunningham
  81. Gloria Hall Walters
  82. Elaine Love
  83. Derrick Scott
  84. Cornelia Reeves
  85. Joy Clarke
  86. Savion Williams
  87. Marcia Morrison Grossett
  88. Paul Haroutunian
  89. Harry Peter Johnson
  92. Andre and Tashai Domville
  93. Daryl Palmer
  94. Karlene Stoddart-Franklin & Pennant Franklin
  95. Opal Brooks
  96. Simone Coley
  97. Hyacinth Hewitt
  98. Marcia HoSang-Rodney
  99. Paulette HoSang
  100. Javon Rodney
  101. Lorna HoSang
  102. Paul HoSang
  103. Wayne Grant
  104. Tamica Grant
  105. Kimberlee Lewis Patten
  106. Albert Williams
  107. Veiven Gordon
  108. Vevien Brown Gordon Lady
  109. Christine Rose Mclean
  110. Mark Andre Pisani
  111. Rohan Lawson
  112. Sylvia Brown
  113. Lynette Sutton
  114. Tania skrljac
  116. Colin lunn
  117. Pat and Kester THOMAS
  118. Evadney Bailey (Daughter)
  119. Sylvia Dyer-Barnier
  120. Althea Bowen- Farquharson
  121. Desrine Morgan
  122. Ernest Alaukwu
  123. Lori and Albert Stoddart
  124. Linh
  125. Michael Fisher
  126. Rodcliffe Brown
  127. Meri Clarke
  128. Andrew Niblett
  129. Gizelle D'souza
  130. Jutta Terjung
  131. Nicole Calleja
  132. Cathy Puopolo
  133. Patricia Duncan
  134. Kathy Gausden
  135. Samathara Briscoe
  136. Annette Sterling Smith
  137. Sefton Downer
  138. Marsha-Anb Thompson
  140. Novlet Lyn
  141. Sharnette Evans
  142. Otelia Robinson
  143. Andrew McAlpin
  144. Mary-Lee Grant-Pereira
  145. Janet Green
  148. Sharon Walters Hoshing
  149. Rose Grossett
